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ISTB12 to be major economic boost in region

New ASU building being built
Posted over 1 year ago  in ASU News.

New building, under construction at Polytechnic campus, will help grow enrollment, drive collaboration with industry

Arizona State University’s new building on the Polytechnic campus will be a catalyst to not only grow student enrollment and but also to drive economic development in the region.

Many elected officials, ASU leaders and community members gathered on Tuesday to celebrate the 12th Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building, now under construction, in a ceremonial groundbreaking.

ISTB12, expected to be open by fall 2025, will have three floors of high-tech labs, classrooms, makerspaces and meeting spaces, and be home to the new School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.

ASU spent $185 million constructing ISTB12, and when the cutting-edge equipment is installed, the project will be a $250 million investment in the region, according to Morgan Olsen, executive vice president, treasurer and chief financial officer of ASU.

“This building is focused on the manufacturing industry in a variety of manifestations,” he said.

“The connections with industry will be many and deep. The goal is to prepare professionals who will contribute engineering solutions for societal challenges.”

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