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ASU leaders visit Egypt, United Arab Emirates to explore education opportunities in region

President Michael Crow talking to some young men
Posted almost 2 years ago  in ASU News.

President Michael Crow and others from Arizona State University recently visited Cairo and Dubai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, as part of efforts to scale higher education, attract more international students, and identify new partners and projects in the Middle East and North Africa.

During the trip, Crow and the ASU team met with several universities, reviewed an U.S. Agency for International Development-funded ASU project in Egypt, hosted alumni, had discussions with the minister of education in Egypt and four ministers of the UAE government, and visited the Thunderbird/ASU innovation center in Dubai.

“This was a memorable and thought-provoking trip to get a firsthand look at how ASU is engaging around the world — and to be reminded about the many more opportunities that still exist as we create new programs, new approaches and new pathways to learn,” Crow said.

ASU takes a global view, with students from 158 countries and more than 12,000 international students. But the trip made clear the expanding opportunities and the potential scale for more international students to attend ASU on campus and online; the growing offerings and reach of ASU Prep Digital also offer a means of engaging international students earlier in their high school education to allow them to transition to ASU.

“We have the opportunity to impact so many students and learners across Egypt, Africa and the Middle East,” Crow said.

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