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Future Sun Devils invited to show ASU pride on National College Signing Day

Collage of National College Signing Day photos submitted by Future Sun Devils
Posted almost 2 years ago .

It’s nearly time for your Future Sun Devil to tell the world about their college choice!

Your student is invited to join in National Signing Day celebration on Monday, May 1 to let everyone know they will be attending Arizona State University in the fall. National College Signing Day is the date when many students publicly announce their post-high school plans.

And ASU is hard at work to create a memorable virtual experience to help your admitted student kick off their life as a Sun Devil.

To participate, admitted students who will attend ASU in the fall are invited to fill out a brief survey with some information about themselves. When National College Signing Day arrives, ASU will share the share the results so your student can get to know their classmates.

Your soon-to-be ASU student is also invited to submit a College Signing Day photo to show off their Sun Devil status for a chance to be featured on the Future Sun Devil social media accounts. Your student will be able to see a complete photo gallery of their future classmates on May 1 showing off their Sun Devil pride, too.

Encourage your student to visit My ASU regularly for important updates and university information — and to follow @FutureSunDevils on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay in the loop on all the National College Signing Day announcements.

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