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Preparing to Come to ASU

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Posted 16 days ago .

As your student prepares to come to ASU, there are a couple of activities that they will need to complete.

All first-year students are required to register and attend their Academic Orientation Session. During their Academic Orientation Session, they are able to meet with their academic college representatives, these are live, two-hour Zoom sessions.

Once students register to attend their orientation, they can conveniently find their Zoom links on their MyASU and New Student Orientation Experience portal following the next three steps: The NSOE can be found on their student portal, My ASU.

  1. Log on to the NSOE portal
  2. Scroll down to the Academic Orientation Session module
  3. Links are located under tasks

For more information on the NSOE click here to learn more. If you or your student are having trouble finding the Zoom orientation links, please feel free to contact the New Student Programs office at (480)965-2880 or

Secondly, your student will need to complete their Math Assessment Placement. A student's first math course is critical to a student's success. Students are required to take the Math Placement Assessment. This assessment is encouraged for all students regardless of any college credit they have for math classes.

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Kristin Pacheco almost 2 years ago said

My son already attended orientation online. But, as a family I would like a campus tour. How do I set that up? Everything just seems virtual.

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Hillary Rubin Arnon 11 months ago said

I apologize if this isn't the right place to ask this question but my daughter will be starting at Cronkite this fall and I'd like to make travel arrangements. When is move in date for the downtown Phoenix campus? ...see more


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