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Hiring events for ASU students next week

Posted about 2 years ago  in Career Services.

Hiring events for ASU students next week

Help your student prepare for the virtual career fairs!

1. Encourage your student to update their resume with their major, anticipated graduation date, and experience. View the Career and Professional Development Services website for more information, or encourage your student to submit their resume for review!

2. Encourage your student to update their Handshake profile. All hiring opportunities will occur through Handshake, not Zoom. Ask your student to confirm that their Handshake account is active, and update their information as needed. 

3. Your student will need to register for the event in advance through Handshake. Registration information for each career fair can be found here. 

4. Encourage your student to research the employers that they intend to speak with in advance. Look at the company website, mission statement, values, or open positions to determine if the company is a good fit. 

5. Help your student create 2-3 questions to ask the employer. These should be questions that will provide your student with more information about the company or position. 

Your student has a limited time with the employer (typically 10-15 minutes) and should maximize their time with the employer. Encourage your student to ask unique questions with answers that cannot be found through an internet search. 

6. Remind your student to dress professionally! Though this event is remote, encourage your student to wear a professional outfit free of logos, rips, tears, stains, or distracting images. 

7. Encourage your student to identify a quiet space on the day of the fair. Your student has limited time with an employer and should find an area in their home or campus that is free of noise or traffic. 

8. Encourage your student to connect with Career and Professional Development Services for more support!

Southeast Career Fair:
Tuesday, March 21

Midwest Career Fair: Tuesday, March 28

LA Metro Career Fair: Wednesday, March 29 

Click here for more information. 

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