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Networking opportunity: Salesforce and ASU

Networking opportunity for students interested in tech

Is your student interested in working in Tech? 

Encourage your student to join ASU and Salesforce on Tuesday, March 21 for a networking and career exploration event!

This event is open to all undergraduate and graduate students at ASU - students from ALL majors are encouraged to attend! 

Where: Sheraton Phoenix DowntownPhoenix, AZ 85004

When: Tuesday, March 21 from 2:30 pm - 6 pm Arizona time 

RSVP and prepare in advance! 

Encourage your student to prepare in advance, or reach out to Career and Professional Development Services at ASU for support. 

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Salesforce is hosting a networking event for ASU students on Tuesday, March 21. Encourage your student to register and prepare in advance!

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