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Class Registration is Underway!

Picture of ASU's Charter monument in front of the ISTBX building, home of the School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Posted about 2 years ago  in College of Global Futures Families.

What are your students up to over Spring Break? Hopefully, they're finalizing their summer and fall class schedules! Summer and fall registration season is under way, with most students having access now to add classes to their upcoming schedules. We have one more group of students (those with sophomore standing) set to gain access to the registration system starting on March 13. Encourage your student to talk with you about what they're excited to learn next semester and to reach out to their advisor if they have any questions or issues adding classes.

Our goal is for all continuing students to be registered for fall before they leave at the end of the spring semester. Note that they can continue making adjustments to their fall schedules over the summer break into August, and tuition and fees aren't due until closer to the start of the semester.

This is a particularly busy time of year, as the undergraduate advising team meets with students to help them make decisions about what classes to take this summer and/or fall. Just a reminder that the appointment scheduling system for academic advising shows our availability in two week increments. If your student doesn't see an appointment available when they go to schedule, they should check again the following morning, when a new day's worth of appointment spots will open up. Students who do not have advising holds in My ASU can also email us at for help with quick questions; and students are welcome to pop in via Zoom, phone, or in-person for a quick Drop-In meeting every Wednesday between 9am and noon, AZ time.

We hope your students and you are enjoying the spring break!

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