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Upcoming fairs designed to help Sun Devils find internships

An ASU student chats with an employer during an internship fair
Posted about 2 years ago  in University Student SuccessCareer Services.

It’s internship time for many Sun Devils. ASU will host a pair of Spring 2023 Internship Fairs on Jan. 26 and 27 designed to help students in their search for the right opportunity.

The Career and Professional Development Services events include both in-person and virtual options, as follows: 

Spring 2023 In-Person Internship Fair: Thursday, Jan. 26, 1-4 p.m. (Arizona time), Memorial Union, Tempe Campus

Spring 2023 Virtual Internship Fair: Friday, Jan. 27, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.  (Arizona time), hosted via Handshake

Internships can strengthen skills sought in all career industries, such as teamwork, leadership and problem-solving techniques. They are also a great way to try out different jobs, roles and industries. During these fairs, students can meet with employers from multiple industries that are looking to connect with talented students.

If your student is planning to attend, what are their next steps? Here’s a handy check-list provided by Career and Professional Development Services (CPDS):

• Explore employers attending the fair and potential internship opportunities. Students can log into their ASU Handshake account to see the list of employers (or create their account if they haven’t already).

• Create or update their resume. Sun Devils can visit the CPDS resume resource page to view templates and have their resume reviewed.

• Upload their resume to Handshake and set their profile visibility to “public” so that employers have access to review prior to the internship fair.

• Prepare thoughtful and internship/employer-specific questions to use at the fair.

Other recommended resources to help students prepare include attending one of the upcoming Career 101 virtual sessions, scheduling an career advising appointment, or stopping by the CPDS office during drop-in hours. Encourage your student to visit the Career and Professional Development Services website to explore a wide range of resources and information.

Career information session for families

If you would like more information on supporting your Sun Devil’s career and professional journey, join ASU Family and CPDS staff members at the Spring 2023 Family Connection Live with Career and Professional Development Services event set for Tuesday, Jan. 31. The ASU Family/CPDS event will be a virtual session on Zoom from 4-5 p.m. Arizona time.

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